Martin Rundkvist's blog. Archaeology, skepticism, Sweden. And books and music and stuff.
Dr. Martin Rundkvist is a Swedish archaeologist, journal editor, public speaker, skeptic, atheist, lefty liberal, bookworm, and father of two.

Recent Posts
- Hoards and Offerings
- Anthro Blog Carnival
- Made It Into Open Lab '09
- Skiing in Sunshine on Lake Ice
- Four Stone Hearth: Call for Submissions
- When Labour Union Idealism Backfires
- Golf Ball Autopsy
- Reading in French
- Rutabaga
- Mars Rovers Still Working After Six Years
Recent Comments
- Mattias on Made It Into Open Lab '09
- Scicurious on Made It Into Open Lab '09
- Nick Williams on Made It Into Open Lab '09
- Martin R on Fear of Time Travel
- kai on Fear of Time Travel
- Martin R on Skiing in Sunshine on Lake Ice
- Kevin on Skiing in Sunshine on Lake Ice
- Ian Tindale on Fear of Time Travel
- Martin R on Fear of Time Travel
- Electric Landlady on Fear of Time Travel
- January 2010
- December 2009
- November 2009
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-->Good Blog Carnivals
Dr. Martin Rundkvist is a Swedish archaeologist affiliated with the University of Chester as a Visiting Research Fellow. He divides his time between research into Scandinavian Prehistory and being managing editor of Fornvännen, Sweden's foremost archaeological journal. Martin joined Scienceblogs on 29 December 2006. His blogging of the preceding year is available at Salto sobrius. Also, check out his personal web site.
Aardvarchaeology is one of the top-5 archaeology blogs and skepticism blogs on the net according to Technorati. It is also one of Sweden's top-5 science blogs according to Bloggtoppen.

Digging at Tyresta in June 2007. Photograph by Roger Wikell.