Now on ScienceBlogs: Amazing Laser Application 6: LIGO!
Alice Stewart A heroine of epidemiology and public health.
Exercise is *NOT* Associated With Injury Risk in Overweight Individuals Image by Jespahjoy. Just before moving to our new home here on Scienceblogs, I asked our readers for ideas on what types of content they would like to see here on Obesity Panacea. One topic that came up several...
Exercise is *NOT* Associated With Injury Risk in Overweight Individuals Image by Jespahjoy. Just before moving to our new home here on Scienceblogs, I asked our readers for ideas on what types of content they would like to see here on Obesity Panacea. One topic that came up several...
Using HSV-1 to cure metastatic melanoma When I say 'cure', I mean, 'CURE'. !!!!
Your daily healthy imagination question: What does Health 3.0 mean to you? Thanks to FisherQua, NewEnglandBob, and TheBrummell for giving us three additional daily questions - and all good ones! We'll start with FisherQua's question: What does the term Health 3.0 meant to you? Tell us in the comments below! For more...
Beware, North Carolina. Beware. Dr. Rashid Buttar is free to practice medicine. In a consent order, cancer and autism woo-meister is given a "Get out of jail free" card, courtesy of the North Carolina State Medical Board.
TEDTalks: Elizabeth Pisani: Sex, Drugs and HIV -- Let's Get Rational Armed with bracing logic, wit and her "public-health nerd" glasses, Elizabeth Pisani reveals the myriad of inconsistencies in today's political systems that prevent our dollars from effectively fighting the spread of HIV. Her research with at-risk populations -- from junkies in prison to sex workers on the street in Cambodia -- demonstrates the sometimes counter-intuitive measures that could stall the spread of this devastating disease.
Open letter to the pandemic influenza virus You should be ashamed.
I'm conflicted over this news The first couple of anti-vaccine lunacy call it quits.
Tomorrow Night in NYC: SciCafe at AMNH What if your cells could be engineered to grow your own replacement organs? Glimpse the future of medicine with Kristin Baldwin from the Scripps Research Department of Cell Biology as she discusses cutting-edge stem cell technologies. While a postdoc in the lab of Nobel Laureate Dr. Richard Axel, she cloned an entire mouse from a single neuron from its nose, an experiment that paid homage to Woody Allen's film Sleeper.
New and Exciting in PLoS this week Still getting used to the new publication schedule. Yup, new papers just got published in four out of seven PLoS journals. As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the...
New autism study: science or nonsense? Bad medical ideas often start with good intentions. Most doctors are interested in preventing and treating disease, and some diseases are particularly challenging. Some rise to this challenge, forming clever hypotheses and finding accurate ways to test them, but others...
Becoming My Mother... I look at the form for direct deposit, and all I can think of is that one time in the grocery store with mom when I was about to go through the self-checkout lane. "Don't do that!" she exclaimed, in alarm, like I was about to beat a child. "That's taking a job from someone. Go through a lane with a person."
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks FAQ #2: Did Skloot really flunk high school? As part of an ongoing series answering FAQs about her book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Skloot dishes on the fact that yes, it's true, she flunked high school.
Someone didn't nail the coffin shut: Andrew Wakefield returns to the public eye Who forgot to drive the stake home? Anti-vaccine "scientist" Andrew Wakefield tries to justify his actions. He fails.
ScienceOnline2010 - Writing for more than glory: Proposals and Pitches that Pay (video) - Part 3 Writing for more than glory: Proposals and Pitches that Pay - Rebecca Skloot with guests Saturday, January 16 - 4:40 - 5:45pm Description: What is a sellable idea? How do you develop one? Is your idea enough for a...
Stem cell therapy for "locked-in" syndrome? In yet another case of stem cell woo, a woman with locked in syndrome is offered false hope.
New public health blog Long-time observers of the progressive blogopshere are likely aware of Barbara O' Brien and her blogging at The Mahablog, Crooks and Liars, AlterNet, and elsewhere. She was a panelist at the Yearly Kos Convention and a featured guest blogger at...
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks FAQ#1: How did Skloot learn about HeLa cells? As part of an ongoing series answering FAQs about her book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Skloot talks about how she first learned about the cells at 16 and why they grabbed her enough to spend decades writing a book about them.
Why, oh, why can't I have something like this aimed at me? (part 2) Homeopath John Benneth is back, and he's upped the ante.
Your inner space just keeps getting prettier and cleaner With digital animation, medical illustrations are getting more gentrified and Kubrickian all the time. . . . but they're still pretty awesome.
Vaccination's night of the living dead Some crazy, currently unbloggable crap is going down around Casa Pal this week, so I'm going to have to open up a bloggy doggy bag for you. I have a nice piece in the works for Sunday or Monday which...
BALLS! From my post on testicular cancer and ERVs earlier this week, to Randys balls in the last episode of South Park, the word of the week appears to be "BALLS!" This trend is continuing, considering Judy Mikovits/the Chronic Fatigue communities...
No fly disease regs don't fly Bye-bye to the quarantine regs.
California's Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 Lies About Addiction I know, I know. Big freaking surprise. But it is worth addressing. If you get all bent about how the right wingers abuse, ignore and deny science when it comes to global warming and other issues, you should be just...
“Lying is exclusively for doctors I have to see for something once and don't trust, or don't have a relationship with. My regular docs have all the info, and I have no problem giving them all the gory details.” Staceyjw on Your daily healthy imagination question: Have you ever lied to your doctor? Why?
PZ Myers 04.11.2010
PZ Myers 04.12.2010
Scicurious 04.12.2010
Tim Lambert 04.11.2010
Erik Klemetti 04.08.2010
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Some engineers use cranes and steel to make their designs reality, but synthetic biologists engineer using tools on a different scale: DNA and the other molecular components of living cells. Synthetic biology uses cellular systems and structures to produce artificial models based on natural order. Read these posts from the ScienceBlogs archives for more:
Pharyngula May 30, 2007
The Loom January 31, 2008
Discovering Biology in a Digital World July 2, 2006