How does a journalist figure out 'which scientists to trust'?Saturday, January 16 at 3:15 - 4:20pm
D. How does a journalist figure out "which scientists to trust"? - Christine Ottery and Connie St Louis
Description: We will talk about how science journalists can know which scientists to trust based on a blogpost by Christine Ottery that made a splash in the world of science communication. As a relative newcomer to science journalism and blogging (Christine) and an award-winning broadcaster, journalist, writer and scientist (Connie), we will be bringing two very different viewpoints to the discussion. We will be touching on peer review, journals, reputation and maverick scientists. We will also examine how journalists and scientists can foster good working relationships with each other, find out what is best practice when it comes to sources for science journalists, and turn the premise of the talk on its head and ask "Which journalists can you trust?" of the scientists.
A little bird tells me you use The "Twitter Times.
Do you have any tricks you use* to get something out of it?
*Any tricks you come up with will be mentioned unfavorably in all the mainstream media and on a furious sign at a Tea Party rally.
Posted by: Marion Delgado | February 22, 2010 5:51 PM