Tim Lambert's weblog
Tim Lambert (deltoidblog AT is a computer scientist at the University of New South Wales.

Recent Posts
- The Australian's War on Science 44
- Monckton meets The Castle
- Open Thread 39
- Paul Sheehan spreads DDT hoax
- Rosegate: David Rose caught misrepresenting another scientist
- Rosegate scandal still growing: David Rose admits that he has no credibility
- Rosegate scandal grows
- Rosegate
- So that's why hasn't published
- Inside the DDT Propaganda Machine
Recent Comments
- Mark on The Australian's War on Science 44
- Boris on Monckton meets The Castle
- Neven on The Australian's War on Science 44
- MapleLeaf on The Australian's War on Science 44
- blob on The Australian's War on Science 44
- dhogaza on The Australian's War on Science 44
- Bernard J. on Rosegate: David Rose caught misrepresenting another scientist
- Lee on Rosegate: David Rose caught misrepresenting another scientist
- ChrisB on Monckton meets The Castle
- Lee on Open Thread 39
- Ask a ScienceBlogger
- Brignell
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- Gregg Easterbrook is an idiot
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- Some are Boojums
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- Stephen Gloor
- The Bartlett Diaries
- The Ethical Werewolf
- The Huffington Post
- The Myron Ebell Climate
- The Post-Normal Times
- The Virtual Stoa
- This Space For Rent
- Wis[s]e Words

I'm a computer scientist in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. I don't blog about computer science very much but rather about areas of science with political implications such as global warming, the relationship between guns and crime and the use of DDT against malaria. Usually I'm inspired by reading an article and noticing something that doesn't seem to be correct. I then do a little bit of research and before you know it I have a blog post explaining what is wrong and why it is wrong.
Here some sample posts to give you a taste of my blog: