tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, PalmenGarten Blüte, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day
PalmenGarten Herz.
PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
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Topic Categories: Frankfurt through My Eye • Image of the Day • My Pictures • Nature • Photography
Posted on: March 13, 2010 2:59 PM, by "GrrlScientist"
tags: PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, PalmenGarten Blüte, flowers, nature, environment, image of the day
PalmenGarten Herz.
PalmenGarten, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
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obviously an Anthurium, but which of the some 800 species (maybe the most commmonly grown in the horticultural industry, andreanum) or more likely, which of the some zillion cultivars?
Posted by: David Hilmy | March 13, 2010 5:22 PM
indeed! it seems this plant is not identifiable to species by normal methods (from a photograph), so i didn't even bother asking, especially since it's likely, as you say, a cultivar.
Posted by: "GrrlScientist" | March 14, 2010 4:37 AM