Mike the Mad Biologist
Mad rantings about politics, evolution, and microbiology
Mad rantings about politics, evolution, and microbiology. Comment policy: say what you want, but back it up with an email address. I don't like anonymous trolls.
Recent Posts
- "A Junk Insurance Tax"
- Programming Note: Blog Unborked
- "Affordable" Healthcare in MA? I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Does
- Monday Link Dump
- "East Boston cat called to jury duty"
- Review: "The Effects of Circumsion on the Penis Microbiome"
- Yes, You Can Walk Away from Your Mortgage
- Saturday Links
- Driftglass Has the Most Impactful 2010 List
- Yes, There Are Religious Scientists, and They Aren't the Enemy
Recent Comments
- Frank Cornish on "A Junk Insurance Tax"
- Keith Harwood on "A Junk Insurance Tax"
- Bob on Review: "The Effects of Circumsion on the Penis Microbiome"
- JThompson on "A Junk Insurance Tax"
- Mark Miller on Organic Cigarettes?
- Sam on "A Junk Insurance Tax"
- TGAP Dad on Review: "The Effects of Circumsion on the Penis Microbiome"
- D. C. Sessions on "A Junk Insurance Tax"
- Sharon Astyk on "Affordable" Healthcare in MA? I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Does
- Mike on "Affordable" Healthcare in MA? I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Does
- January 2010
- December 2009
- November 2009
- October 2009
- September 2009
- August 2009
- July 2009
- June 2009
- May 2009
- April 2009
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- February 2009
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- September 2006
- August 2006
- July 2006
- June 2006
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- December 2004
- November 2004
- All The World's A Stage, Act For Change
- MyDD
- Chris Mooney
- Thoughts from Kansas
- Pharyngula
- The Public Trust
- Keats' telescope
- Laughing Wild
- groupThink
- Dancing in the Divine
- Craig's Thoughts, Theories, and Tantrums
- media in trouble
- Neo Commons
- MajikThise
- Living the Scientific Life
- YoungFemaleScientist
- Respectful Insolence
- Everyone Loves Hedgical Trevor
- Salon.com
- The Gazetteer
- Nameless Rantings
- dadahead
- She Flies with Her Own Wings
- A Pondering of Fools
- Henry's Webiocosm Blog
- Jon Swift
- Divine Afflatus
- cannablog
- Independent Bloggers' Alliance
- The Thermal Vent
- The Burned Over District
- Mixter's Mix
- Lab Cat
- If I Ran the Zoo
- Rev. BigDumbChimp
- ... ponderings of a fool
- Drinking Liberally in New Milford
- Scientia Natura: Evolution and Rationality
- Middle Raged Punk
- Primordial Blog
- ... ponderings of a fool
- SuportVaccination.Org
- Aetiology
- Big Brass Blog
- driftglass
- Battlepanda
- Pandagon
- skippy the bush kangaroo
- The Scientific Activist
- Deep Weeds
- The Corpus Callosum
- Complex Medium
- This Human Project
- Left in the Heartland
- A Mind Occasionally Voyaging
- Nice Shoes, Wanna Fock?
- Societas
- Skeptico
- Tied To the Tenure Tracks
- The Raven's Gazette
- Studying Biology and Environmental Science
- postgenomic
- Welcome to Shakesville
- Military Religious Freedom Foundation Blog
- Mad Melancholic Feminista
- ¡Viva La Evolución!
- comment is free...
- Melissa McEwan
- Marisacat
- The Panda's Thumb
- King of Zembla
- are you effin' kidding me?
- Eccentricity
- A Concerned Scientist
- Utenzi Blog
- Graphic Truth
- Universal Acid
- Scriptoids
- phronesisaical
- Muton
- A Beginner's Mind
- Altair4 Redux
- Liberal Street Fighter
- Jon Swift
- Tangled Up in Blue Guy
- Sorting Out Science
- The force that through...
- jobsanger
- no fish, no nuts
- The Barefoot Bum
- ywut
- miriam's ideas
- decrepitoldfool
- Philosophers' Playground
- Yhetti
- Endosymbiosis
- The Crone Speaks
- blue collar scientist
- Crinch Pin
- Moue Magazine
- Balls and Walnuts
- over the cliff, onto the rocks
- Argue With Everyone
- Passing Afternoon
- Centerface! Adventures in Post-Democracy
- La Casa de Los Gatos
- CultureVultures
- Lance Mannion
- Princess Sparkle Pony's Photo Blog
- The Reef Tank
Science Links
These links do not indicate support of this blog's statements by these groups

As you can guess, my name is Mike, I'm a biologist (evolutionary biology/microbiology), and I'm more than a little annoyed at how things are going (thus the "Mad" part). I'm not going to say much else because I believe that the best way to keep your personal life is not to talk about it. So why did I decide to start a blog? I suppose it's partially frustration with recent US politics; I figure it's time to try to put some different ideas out there.
One more thing: The opinions on this blog are mine, and mine alone, and do not represent the official views or opinions of my employer.