Brian Lehrer
I'll be talking with WNYC's excellent Brian Lehrer on his show this morning, from 11:06 to about 11:25, discussing my Atlantic article about the "orchid gene" hypothesis, which holds that many of the genes that are known to make us vulnerable to problems such as depression, hyperaggression or antisocial behavior, or distractibility -- can also make us less vulnerable to these same afflictions.
update: You can listen to the segment here:
You can tune in in the NYC area at FM 93.9 or AM 820; listen to a live internet stream; or go here afterwards for a podcast of the section.
There will be call-ins too (212 433 9692), so listen in and give a call if you wish.
I read your article in the Atlantic and being a special education teacher who works with lots of kids with ADHD I was very interested in the orchid/dandelion hypothesis. I am not a fan of meds for kids with ADHD, preferring instead to organize the environment to accomodate them. I have seen certain instances where medication has made a positive difference in kids lives as they are suddenly in control and can pay attention and learn things like everyone else. It gives their self esteem a huge boost. I don't know exactly how the medication works and I know there are several commonly used kinds. Is there any research on how medication might affect these kids long term? Would it affect the positive strengths of the DRD4 gene?
Posted by: Julie | November 27, 2009 8:26 PM