Omni Brain
An exploration of the serious/fun/ridiculous - past/present/future of the brain and the science that loves it.
The Homunculus
The Omnibrain is a psychology graduate student at an online university. He hopes that the three weeks and $29.95 that he is spending on his Ph.D. will get him a job at a Tier 1 research university. Do online universities have postdocs? Ok...just kidding, The Omnibrain is a real graduate student at a real school somewhere in the continental United States - or maybe Europe.
Recent Posts
- A case where PETA might actually be helpful
- Get hypnotherapy with a cat
- Optical Illusion Video - Different Colors?
- Someone stole the Nobel Prize!
- A great moving depth illusion
- A scientific study of Superman's flight
- How Supermans X-Ray vision works
- Lab tech afraid Ted Williams' cryogenically frozen head about to become zombie beats it to death
- The Anatomy of Japanese Mega Monsters
- It's a dog eat dog world
Recent Comments
- Patrick Kallie on Ex Football Star Publishes Book on his Multiple Personalities
- Erundesal Oredroth on Touchy feely new age bullshit.
- Columbus on A case where PETA might actually be helpful
- bebe ghurl_13 on Great optical illusions...
- graduation stoles on Someone stole the Nobel Prize!
- lloyd sykes on Galileo flipping off the Catholic Church from beyond the grave
- akanksha on The Data So Far in Support of Supernatural Powers
- sikiş on I want to have my legs cut off - Please!?
- Staci on I want to have my legs cut off - Please!?
- bouadi on Omni Brain Disclaimer - We are not qualified for anything
- October 2009
- September 2009
- February 2008
- January 2008
- December 2007
- November 2007
- October 2007
- September 2007
- August 2007
- July 2007
- June 2007
- May 2007
- April 2007
- March 2007
- February 2007
- January 2007
- December 2006
- A Blog Around the Clock
- The Anterior Commissure
- Cerebrum: The Dana Forum on Brain Science
- Channel N
- Cognitive Daily
- Cognitition and Language Lab
- Developing Intelligence
- The Frontal Cortex
- Improbable Research
- Milligram
- Mind Hacks
- Mixing Memory
- The Neurocritic
- Neurophilosophy
- Phineas Gage Fan Club
- PsyBlog
- Pure Pedantry
- Retrospectacle
- Sequitur
- Shrink Rap
- Tierney Lab
- World of Psychology
Glial Cells
Omni Brain is blogged by Someone, who is a psychology Ph.D. student of Psychology (not the kind that actually helps people though).
The Omnibrain writes about the silly, sublime and serious infiltration of the brain sciences into popular culture. Topics range from commentary on research and public policy to absolutely off the wall things like how to create a realistic edible gelatin brain (vodka optional).
Sandra Kiume co-blogged here for a long time; notice her name on the byline in archived posts. You can still email her about those posts, other blogging, future projects, etc. Here's contact info for her.
If you're interested in our wonderful banners:
Check out the video of him drawing our brains!