For some reason, the Trophy Wife™ said I needed to share this video today. Since the enormous thread has grown again, I figure this is as good a place as any.
It's not often you hear about testes weighing a ton and pumping out gallons of sperm from David Attenborough.
Posted by: AJ Milne
March 23, 2010 12:32 PM
Man. I always figured that guy had some cojones. But seriously?
(/Oh. Wait...)
Posted by: AZ Writer (Kim Hosey)
March 23, 2010 12:35 PM
Nope. Usually I hear about testes from my son and his friend, during a conversation about whether they are or are not part of one's anus. I think I prefer David Attenborough's narration.
Posted by: Janine, Mistress Of Foul Mouth Abuse, OM
March 23, 2010 12:36 PM
Sweet mystery of love
At last I've found you
Posted by: Sven DiMilo
March 23, 2010 12:39 PM
"12 feet long, and highly mobile"
Posted by: Glen Davidson
March 23, 2010 12:56 PM
It's the typical, if the female mates with many males, the male has to produce huge amounts of sperm.
Chimps have rather larger testes than humans, but on the other hand, we have rather larger testes than the huge gorillas. Which suggests that we're somewhere between the two in female promiscuity.
Glen D
Posted by: simply not edible
March 23, 2010 1:02 PM
It is indeed rare to hear David Attenborough talk about his sex life.
Posted by: Mu
March 23, 2010 1:03 PM
12 ft long in 40 degree water, just imagine they'd have sex somewhere in the tropics ...
Posted by: Bobber
March 23, 2010 1:06 PM
How appropriate that "Going Mobile" should appear on the album "Who's Next" - which is what the whale mating scrum appeared to be all about.
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 23, 2010 1:07 PM
Mu (@7):
"I was in the pool!! I was in the pool!!"
Posted by: Janine, Mistress Of Foul Mouth Abuse, OM
March 23, 2010 1:08 PM
Posted by: NewlyHuman
March 23, 2010 1:09 PM
During that first half one can't help but wonder whether she didn't give some serious thought to leaving the males at it and having a coffee instead.
Posted by: burpy
March 23, 2010 1:11 PM
White whales plural? There is only one white whale, and I have pledged my life to hunt him down and kill him. These look more like southern right whales to me.
Posted by: cicely
March 23, 2010 1:12 PM
Cetacean 'tentacle' porn.
Posted by: Sili
March 23, 2010 1:19 PM
Speak for yourself, Poopyhead.Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp
March 23, 2010 1:22 PM
What did I do now?
Posted by: daveau
March 23, 2010 1:23 PM
But you hear Oprah say it all the time.
Posted by: Sili
March 23, 2010 1:29 PM
Also, if that's a right whale, I don't wanna see a wrong un.
Posted by: cicely
March 23, 2010 1:30 PM
And, because the last Thread struck me as a little light on the subject...
Posted by: Celtic_Evolution
March 23, 2010 1:31 PM
Ouch! Right in the humor gland...
Posted by: cicely
March 23, 2010 1:32 PM
Damned Thread ate most of my bacon!
Posted by: Sili
March 23, 2010 1:33 PM
You really do live in a very a narrow slice of time, space and culture, don't you Walton?
Posted by: David Marjanović
March 23, 2010 1:35 PM
Odysseus might be weaker, and he's not 2/3 divine, but he's smarter. I expect a Combat Pragmatist moment.
Might turn out the same way.
And what… the fuck… makes you think so?
I suppose your strawman'll finally burn (and brightly at that) if you pour some chlorine trifluoride over it. If all you have is oxygen, you'll have to wait till it dries, you've wanked so much over it.
A fictional ad-hominem argument! LOL! Haven't read such silliness in a long time. :-D
:-D :-D :-D
A few subthreads ago we discussed our ages. Our educations and occupations have also come up repeatedly. Maybe you'd like to keep up? Nooo, you're just bullshitting.
??? ??? ???
??? ??? ???
??? ??? ???
Wow. That was so bizarre I didn't even understand it at first.
How many people here, Quack, do you think have ever looked at a photo of you? What do we care what you look like?!?
Or, at best, "I think someone should help you, but I'm not going to do it – I'll just sit down and fantasize about it happening on its own, somehow".
<pft> Why not just "if you feel like wasting your time, go ahead"? Maybe print out one of those studies on the effectiveness of prayer and hand it to him.
I linked to that? I don't even remember… and I don't read that blog in the first place… oh, there's a connection to the Wordpress blog that got shut down because it exposed Andreas Moritz, so maybe I found it in a Pharyngula thread about that incident… still don't remember it, though.
It's quite the trouncing, though. A study says something about the common cold, and Maloney pretends it's about the flu!?! That's… rich.
Ducks are interesting. Cool, however? Ducks regularly engage in gang rape.
Well, that's what it is in the original French.
LOL! Yes, right, not white.
Posted by: Janine, Mistress Of Foul Mouth Abuse, OM
March 23, 2010 1:36 PM
Chimpy, because of your cursed typo virus, I typed "love" instead of "life", thus fucking up my attempt at a joke.
Posted by: Givesgoodemail
March 23, 2010 1:43 PM
...and now for something disturbingly different. Dan Savage may well have hit it on the head this time.
Posted by: LightningRose
March 23, 2010 1:48 PM
Very old riddle:
What's gray and comes in quarts?
An elephant.
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 23, 2010 1:51 PM
Yah, I know, but that's a bridge too far for most 'Murricans I talk to about my name. Frequently when I have to give my name for some official purpose, I'll spell it, and then add "like the French prince; not like the fish." Occasionally I'll get a patronizing little correction about the fact that porpoises are mammals, not fish, and in those cases I'm compelled to remind my instructor of the existence of mahi-mahi. "Like the French prince, not like the popular marine mammal" just wouldn't have the same euphonious charm! ;^)
BTW, your quote is the only the second bit of evidence that anyone read my just-under-the-portcullis comment. Good to know it didn't go entirely to waste.
Posted by: arakrys
March 23, 2010 1:55 PM
Gallons? Eww! I'll never swim in the ocean ever!
Posted by: daveau
March 23, 2010 1:57 PM
Don't worry; they use a condom.
Posted by: Alan B
March 23, 2010 1:59 PM
#22 David Marjanović
And gang murder of a different variety - I witnessed 4 larger white ducks killing a mallard by pecking it and forcing it under the water.
Yep. "Right" whales - as in the right ones to hunt - some of the others get really viscous when they are harpooned ...
Mind you, ducks can be nasty to humans too:
Posted by: Rutee, Shrieking Harpy of Dooooom
March 23, 2010 2:05 PM
My money's on Gilgamesh. Odysseus /is/ smarter, but Gilgamesh's varying beatdowns were on things that Odysseus could at best only co opt. When faced with Scylla and Charybdis, Odysseus... just lets scylla eat his dudes. Maybe Odysseus with some muscle, like help from Achilles, but then fair being fair, Gilgamesh gets Enkidu.Posted by: blf
March 23, 2010 2:06 PM
Oceans have sex lives? And use condoms?
Vaguely wonders how Rule 34 applies here…
Posted by: Gyeong Hwa Pak, Scholar of Shen Zhou
March 23, 2010 2:07 PM
Does killfile work with IE?
Posted by: A. Noyd
March 23, 2010 2:13 PM
David Marjanović (#22)
Gah, sorry, it was ambulocetacean who linked to it. Dunno how I mixed that up.
Posted by: natural cynic
March 23, 2010 2:14 PM
For shame. It took 12 posts before someone rightly corrected PZ about the wrong whale. Losing pedant points ...
And Alan @29: You definitely don't want a whale to turn "viscous". They're much harder to reel in if they turn into a gooey blob.
Posted by: Celtic_Evolution
March 23, 2010 2:20 PM
Well... I was going to say something, but Mike Wagner thinks such behavior is allowing the creationists to win.
I couldn't chance it...
Posted by: blf
March 23, 2010 2:20 PM
For anyone who recalls the hilarious incident when Pandit Surinder Sharma, a self-described Tantrik Magician, tried, on Indian TV, to kill Sanal Edamaruku, president of Rationalist International, with magic, Edamaruku has a penned a piece in The Grauniad about it: The night a guru tried to kill me on TV.
Posted by:
March 23, 2010 2:22 PM
I can't imagine this hasn't been shared yet, but I will anyway, just in case.
You can now get a LOLCat Bible.
Here's the website:
Posted by: Janine, Mistress Of Foul Mouth Abuse, OM
March 23, 2010 2:35 PM
This part of the column that blf linked if absolutely fucking terrifying.
Just for that, Sanal Edamaruku has achieved greatness.
Posted by: A. Noyd
March 23, 2010 2:46 PM
Givesgoodemail (#24)
Somewhere around 5:30 on that top video, Keith Olbermann says something about "strip the religion out of it and stick to the ethics of religion which is often very useful even to people who don't believe..." *sigh*
Posted by: Alan B
March 23, 2010 2:49 PM
FareFair cop!Posted by: nonsensemachine
March 23, 2010 2:57 PM
"It's not often you hear about testes weighing a ton and pumping out gallons of sperm from David Attenborough."
I always hear about how much sperm David Attenborough can pump out. You don't want to hang around my circles, is what I'm saying.
Posted by: MultiTool
March 23, 2010 3:00 PM
Something disturbing to chew on...
"Fair play also rose substantially among volunteers who subscribed to Christianity or Islam, as opposed to local religions. "
Via Science News:
_Farming's rise cultivated fair deals_
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 23, 2010 3:23 PM
A. Noyd (@39):
That, once again, is the problem of conflating the fact that religion often encompasses laudable humanistic values with the notion that religion is somehow responsible for same. Unless I misunderstood, that's what PZ was getting at back in the Even the Nice Theologians... post: The genuinely praiseworthy "ethics of religion" (i.e., the ethical assertions that are not just the arbitrary rules of an imaginary angry, self-indulgent deity) are really just ethics of people, and any attribution of them to religion, per se, is cooption.
Posted by: DominEditrix
March 23, 2010 3:29 PM
An old zoologist friend of mine, when a young and naïve student, was sent by her department to retrieve the testes of a whale that had washed up dead from the Atlantic. Being unversed in marine mammals [and even less versed in homo sapiens], she took her car, a Volkswagen Beetle. The grizzled marine mammalogist on site sent her back for a pick-up truck.
Posted by: JerryM
March 23, 2010 3:47 PM
You can't have a thread XLII without some Douglas Adams:
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 3:49 PM
Did the quack really try to insult us by saying we hang out on the internet too much?
lol. There's a reason they call Gen Y the Net Generation. The internet is our natural habitat, and trying to insult us by pointing this out really just reveals how deeply behind the times the Quack is.
Oh, and as someone who used to have those painful week-long periods, let me just say that Menstruation is not a disease, you misogynist fuckgnome. Also, it wasn't quack pseudomedicine that helped against the pain. It was real medicine, from Big Pharma and Evil Doctors In White Coats. And it came with the bonus of birth control. And I didn't have to pay for it. l0z3Я.
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 23, 2010 3:56 PM
Jadehawk (@46):
Fuckgnome FTW!!!
You now join SC (author of assclam) in the Profane Neologists' Hall of Fame!
PS: The copyright folks at Travelocity may want a word with you.... ;^)
Posted by: Celtic_Evolution
March 23, 2010 3:58 PM
Hmmm... I also like to inject most of my days with a little musical solace from Scott B. Adams
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 23, 2010 4:08 PM
Hrmmm... my reference @47 should've been to trademark folks, not copyright. </PetPeeve>
Posted by: Paul
March 23, 2010 4:28 PM
Just read in the Intersection comment section:
Guess who! He likes to complain about Pharyngula and poll crashing, but when it reflects teabag sentiments somehow online polls are as legitimate as Pew.
Posted by: negentropyeater
March 23, 2010 4:31 PM
Yesterday Bush and Clinton visited Haiti. Here's a newsreport in French.
The Haitian "welcoming crowd" was rather clear:
"A bas Bush! Welcome president Clinton!"
they booed Bush and hurrayed Clinton...
Bush "Oh a helicopter ride" had the time to get a few snashots of him with a few Haitians.
Meanwhile, many Haitians were saying that Clinton is the man they put their hopes with, as they've lost complete trust in Préval, and want a return of Arisitde.
Haiti is asking for $8.5 billion in reconstruction/aid funds. How much of this are going to end up in the pockets of Préval and his friends and in those of the mega-rich owners of the large US and other private companies who are going to be contracted (many of whom are Bush friends)?
Haitians need help, they are facing a huge amount of immediate problems and they are hungry. How do we make sure that the aids funds get used to help solve these problems and not build government palaces, airports, highways and beach resorts?
Or is this going to turn into another Iraq/Afghanistan disaster?
Posted by: Celtic_Evolution
March 23, 2010 4:44 PM
Meh... kwahk-a-doodle-doo understands politics about as well as he understands anything else. Pretty poorly.
He still thinks the bill can be simply repealed if the rethugs win back the house and senate. Forgetting of course that they'd have to win back a full filibuster-proof majority (pipe-dreaming, buddy) and that a repeal also requires a presidential signature. Ain't gonna happen.
Not to mention, I'd love to see the repugs try that one out... tell the american people "oh, you know that law we have where insurance companies can't deny coverage to sick kids and can't drop coverage for people who get sick? Yeeeeaaahhhh... we're gonna go ahead and overturn that". Good luck with that. (Those changes go into effect in 6 mos... not 2014 like other parts of the bill)
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 4:50 PM
I'm going to assume that's a purely rhetorical question.Posted by: Paul
March 23, 2010 4:52 PM
The presidential signature doesn't matter, that Dick Morris guy he's been thoroughly rimming sez that not only will the Repubs win the House/Senate, but Obama signed himself into a one-term presidency with Obamacare.
More possible than you'd think. If it was going to be done, the taxpayer wouldn't even know. It would just taxed onto another military spending bill. AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!
Did Kwok ever give up on his birther stance? I'd ask, but I'm trying to minimize engagement, and he can really go off the rails when you talk about past engagements or statements he's made.
Posted by: Celtic_Evolution
March 23, 2010 5:04 PM
Oh... i don't doubt it's possible... i just really want to see them try it. And in this day and age, I think it would be pretty hard to do in a way that the taxpayer "wouldn't even know"... especially on legislation this important.
Blah, blah, blah... I've heard it all... "Obama will be a one term president if he doesn't pass health care", "Obama will be a one term president because he passed health care".
Whatever... anyone who thinks they know what the temperature of this country is going to be in late 2012 is fooling themselves. Tell me what the economy looks like and where we are with the wars in the middle-east, not to mention what other things could happen between now and then before making stupid predictions about Obama's reelect-ability.
Posted by: Ray Moscow
March 23, 2010 5:27 PM
I've actually watched these guys breed off the South African coast. I just didn't realise they were so awesome at it.
(And my pics aren't as good, either.)
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 23, 2010 5:31 PM
C-E (@55):
Indeed. Now that health care reform has passed, I figure people will begin to remember that the stuff that's actually in the
billlaw — as opposed to the scaremongering fictions they've been being fed for almost a year now — is stuff they've really supported all along, and in fact, stuff they voted for back in 2008. In fact, it seems that process is already happening.I think the Rs are going to find that taking reform away from people after the fact is going to be a much harder sell than scaring them about it in prospect was. Especially after a few months, when they start to notice the utter lack of Soviet¹ tanks in their streets!
¹ Yes, it's an anachronism; how is that not appropriate to a discussion of Republican tactics on this issue?
Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM
March 23, 2010 5:32 PM
I want to know if Kw*k has ever repudiated this bit of treason:
Posted by:
March 23, 2010 5:41 PM
Would this qualify as whale porn?
Posted by: Rachel Bronwyn
March 23, 2010 5:47 PM
Where's the white whale? I don't see any belugas.
I remember seeing this clip a number of years ago and being deeply alarmed by the mobility of the animal's penis. No means no! Even if your penis can still reach her when she's upside down, trying to avoid you.
Our humpbacks are "in season" and the males are becoming very aggressive. I haven't witnessed any mating yet (I always turn away anyways because I feel like I'm invading their privacy) but the boys are rough housing a lot. One of the younger guys had a number of tubercles on his rostrum torn off and was quite bloody. It was upsetting.
Posted by: negentropyeater
March 23, 2010 6:02 PM
My guess is hoter.
Whatever the exact size of the teabagging contingent, what's worrying is that the republican noise machine (Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity & Co) has managed to get several million white male supremacist libertarian Christian fundie anti-science militant nutbags go nuts with this healthcare reform.
Now you get this reaction by Bob Herbert in the New York Times yesterday:
I hope there will be a happy ending to this. The economy will get better, the situation with the wars in the middle east will get better, and the teabaggers will gradually fade away. But my best guess is that the economic situation isn't going to get better, we'll still be stuck with wars in the middle east and I hope this doesn't degenerate into a violent clash between teabaggers and those fighting aggressively to stop the garbage that comes out of them.
These teabaggers are scary. Firstly because they are completely deluded and ready to believe whatever lies the noise machine will come up with to get them more paranoid. Secondly because they believe they are many which helps them gain confidence and get even more paranoid (network effects).
And it seems nothing can be done to stop this.
Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM
March 23, 2010 6:17 PM
Another scientific "that's funny" moment.
Posted by: Gyeong Hwa Pak, Scholar of Shen Zhou
March 23, 2010 6:27 PM
WorldNutDaily will now wage war on Easter.
Which is all fine by me, since I'll spend it on Songkran.
Posted by: Carlie
March 23, 2010 6:34 PM
Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 6:38 PM
Jadehawk: What's a fuckgnome? I haven't heard that particular epithet before.
(I'm now getting mental images of specialised garden gnomes being used as sex toys. I'm sure there's a pun about fishing rods in there somewhere.)
Posted by: Gyeong Hwa Pak, Scholar of Shen Zhou
March 23, 2010 6:41 PM
I image googled it and the results were NSFW.Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 6:44 PM
The "teabagger" movement is an embarrassment to intelligent conservatives everywhere. In my capacity as Pharyngula's token voice of conservatism, I just want to restate my firm opinion that Glenn Beck is a blithering moron.
As far as I can tell (though I'm not an American, and am no expert on the healthcare reform legislation in its current incarnation), there are plenty of good reasons to criticise this legislation. However, "OMG it's going to create evil fascist socialist godless death panels!!!111!!" is not one of them.
Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 6:50 PM
And when I describe myself as "Pharyngula's token voice of conservatism", what I mean is that I don't support taxing the pants off the rich, abolishing capitalism, expropriating the property of corporations, or establishing a new socio-economic order based on democratic workers' collectives. This makes me moderate by the standards of everywhere else in the world, but makes me a right-wing troglodyte by the standards of some of the regulars here. :-)
Posted by: Paul
March 23, 2010 6:51 PM
FTFY. At least, it seems you don't really hold Conservative positions anymore. You simply like the label. Of course, this leads to promoting positions you don't support by implication, but at least you get warm fuzzies by identifying with the right sort of people.
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 23, 2010 6:55 PM
You know, they shit in the ocean too. Think about all the marine animals swimming about, shitting in our beautiful oceans. Fuckers. :)
Posted by: Feynmaniac
March 23, 2010 6:59 PM
What's wrong with this? If you truly care about liberty and individuality wouldn't you oppose the current corporate system, where people are essentially bossed around for 8 hours a day?
Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 7:00 PM
Paul, "conservative" can be a relative term. I'm "conservative" compared to the more hardcore left-wing regulars here, such as Knockgoats, SC, negentropyeater and Pygmy Loris, who advocate radical changes to the current socio-economic and political order. It just depends with whom you're comparing me.
Posted by: maureen.brian#b5c92
March 23, 2010 7:02 PM
...... and in many cases paid significantly less than their work is worth in that scared Market, just so's those who do none of the work can stack up a whole set of mansions.
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 7:03 PM
Who here does?
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 7:03 PM
I feel neglected ;-)Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 7:03 PM
Feynmaniac @#71: It sounds great, but it wouldn't work in the real world.
Posted by: maureen.brian#b5c92
March 23, 2010 7:04 PM
Now, was that error @ 73 a typo or a Freudian slip?
Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 7:08 PM
Sorry, Jadehawk. For the avoidance of any doubt, I hereby award you the title of Hardcore Left-Winger. :-)
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 7:09 PM
says who?Posted by: Paul
March 23, 2010 7:09 PM
Based on your past statements, your positions generally do not fit with the Conservative party in England. That was the frame I had in mind. It seems odd to call yourself a voice for conservatism when your positions are more liberal than those currently in place (what are you trying to conserve, aside from the monarchy and fox hunts?).
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 7:09 PM
Walton @76, Feynmaniac @71 asked you two questions.
You answered the first, but kept conspicuously silent on the second.
Posted by: maureen.brian#b5c92
March 23, 2010 7:09 PM
Come North, young Walton, where all things are possible.
This, for instance.
Posted by: Feynmaniac
March 23, 2010 7:09 PM
Do you have any evidence of this besides bare assertion?
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 7:13 PM
:-)Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 23, 2010 7:14 PM
Don't worry. The Wild Women of Pharyngula has a place reserved in the left-wing just for you ;)
Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 7:15 PM
I should be clear that I'm fully aware of (and have mentioned in the past) the existence of co-operative businesses run by workers or consumers, such as the John Lewis Partnership or the various Co-operative Societies in the UK. I'm fully in favour of these kinds of co-operatives. In a free society, people are free to choose other forms of business ownership besides the traditional corporation. If they can compete with other businesses in a free market - as they clearly can, since the businesses I mentioned above are very successful - then there is no reason why anyone should be against it.
But I don't see that this has any broader application for the wider economy. I would obviously be strongly opposed to the idea of expropriating corporate property and transferring it to worker ownership.
Posted by: aratina cage
March 23, 2010 7:15 PM
John Morales,
I support taxing the pants—and scarfs—off of rich people! :P
Posted by: maureen.brian#b5c92
March 23, 2010 7:18 PM
What created the value / wealth / whatever to which those very corporations now cling so determinedly?
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 7:19 PM
the "wider economy"? you mean the one that just caused a massive crash, and the one that is causing global warming, and the one that is polluting the fuck out of our planet, destroying our soils, and using our scarce resources to produce plastic sporks and singing fish?yeah... I no longer care about it all that much. It's time for Plan B.
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 7:20 PM
aratina, heh.
Of course Walton was snidely referring to progressive taxation, because percentages are what matter to him, not the net benefit.
When a person A (who earns 12x what person B earns) only ends up with 8x times the disposable income of person B after tax, Walton is appalled at such injustice.
Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 7:25 PM
JM: No, I wasn't referring to progressive taxation in general. Having considered the question further, I support the current system of progressive taxation. At current levels of overall tax revenue, a flat tax rate would fall very hard on the poor, and would therefore increase poverty and suffering without achieving very much.
But I'm still much more moderate than most people here. IIRC, at least one person on a previous subThread (Pygmy Loris?) advocated raising inheritance tax to a point where it would effectively abolish inherited wealth. And Knockgoats has talked about a "maximum income" and advocated much higher income taxes on the very wealthy. That's what I was referring to when I talked about "taxing the pants off the rich".
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 23, 2010 7:27 PM
Feynmaniace #71,
That sounds an awful lot like what I think. Walton was wondering several threads ago what kind of cultural crises lead to major structural changes. I think we may be approaching that sort of severe crisis now. In the next few decades there are several major influences that are probably going to cause major crises in the distribution of the necessities of life. Peak oil, global climate change, labor excess due to rising population, rising population itself, are all serious issues on their own. The confluence of these issues is going to be very very bad if we, as a species, cannot abandon our short-term views for rather long-term ones.
Walton's concerns for civil liberties are noble and I share many of those same concerns, but people as a whole tend to care far less about liberties when they are scared or hungry. It is very worrying that in the next few decades we are probably going to see much higher levels of fear and hunger as food security decreases due to various pressures (transportation costs, fertilizer shortages, rising populations, climate change, etc.) This is the main reason I want major changes now.
If we have systems and structural institutions in place to help people during times of desperation, our social systems, including various forms of democracy, are more likely to survive. I don't particularly care for the idea of living in a dictatorship (notice I'm not trying to move to North Korea or Cuba), so I want these problems addressed before people become too willing to sacrifice liberty for food and physical security.
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 23, 2010 7:30 PM
Oh yeah, that's me. I don't think ascribed status, which is one of the major consequences of inherited wealth, has any place in a democracy or free society.
Posted by: Ol'Greg
March 23, 2010 7:35 PM
You'd be considered a liberal here where I live. I remember the first time some one called me a liberal as an invective. It was surreal. Some one said "Human beings weren't created to drink milk."
I replied, "Well I don't think we were ever created but some people certainly can drink milk," and shrugged.
"Ugh. That's because you're a fucking liberal."
Ummmm...evolution is not a political ideology.
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 7:36 PM
Fair enough.
I note that in neither example you've given (regarding what you meant) would the "rich" lose their pants, either literally or metaphorically.
Abolishing inherited wealth would mean everyone would "lose their pants"; establishing a "maximum income" would still leave an income distribution where (definitionally) those at the upper end would be the "rich".
(No disputing your broader point regarding your conservatism as compared to most other commenters.)
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 7:36 PM
indeed, personal liberties have only become such a major rallying point because we live in a post-scarcity bubble. I bet once it bursts group rights will become far more important than individual freedoms again.Posted by: iambilly
March 23, 2010 7:41 PM
From the mid-1930s into the late 1970s, America invested a large proportion of our GNP in public infrastructure products -- rural electification, irrigation and hydro-electric, the interstates, bridges, environmental projects, national parks, schools, colleges, and kicking money back to states and local communities -- and had a budget which was, by today's standards (I'm thinking Reagan and the two Bushes), rather close to being balanced. America had the financial wherewithall to fund massive projects -- the space program, for example -- which not only pushed the frontiers of science but also paid off economically. Taxes on the richest Americans ranged from around 70% to 50% for the top bracket (and (mindblowing to today's conservatives) there were still rich people who tried to get richer, and there were still poor and middle class people who worked, invested, invented and achieved wealth). Now, we are told by the nattering nabobs of neoconservatism that raising the tax rate on the highest brackets to a level still less than it was during the reign of St. Reagan will lead to the collapse of America and either socialism or fascism (or both (they're a little unclear on the concept)). Higher tax rates on the rich do not stop people from becoming rich but the higher tax rates would allow us to keep up with our aging infrastructure. We have spent the last 30 years of neoconservatism consuming the investment in public infrastructure made before 1980 and unless we begin, now, to create a new infrastucture (while keeping the good parts of the old), we are in deep, deep whale doo.
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 7:42 PM
not just a liberal, but a raging communist nazi.I actually had someone once proudly tell me that their family (farmers) was hiding most of their crops during the Great Depression to avoid redeistribution. And all I could think was "you're proud that your family caused others to suffer starvation?"
Posted by: AJ Milne
March 23, 2010 7:43 PM
I'd just like to say the obvious, and say I'm agin' taxing the pants off the rich purely for the selfish reason that really, there's an awful lot of 'em I never want to see with their pants off...
Actually, come to think of it, I guess I'm kinda rich, really...
But, right there, see, is just another case in point. Trust me. This is just for everyone's own good.
(/No, not like trickle-down economics was. Really this time.)
Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 7:45 PM
I'm not surprised. I'd probably be considered a flaming liberal in many parts of the US, by virtue of the fact that I strongly oppose creationism; support full equal rights for gay, lesbian and transgender people; am pro-choice; think immigration is a good thing; and believe that everyone, including "terror suspects", is entitled to a fair trial, freedom from arbitrary detention and freedom from torture. Reading Pharyngula and Dispatches regularly reminds me that many American "conservatives" are, to put it bluntly, batshit insane.
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 7:48 PM
((iambilly), nice rant! :))
AJ, yeah, I guess pretty much every american is rich by the standards of most people who have ever lived.
Posted by: Walton
March 23, 2010 7:48 PM
The space programme "paid off economically"? How exactly?
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 23, 2010 7:52 PM
Don't forget that expensive foreign war we fought in the 60s/70s. Somehow we managed to draft, train, equip and ship out hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and fly to the moon all while having much lower federal debt. Amazing when you think about it.
The neocons really do have a great racket. Cut taxes and underfund government so that there is great difficulty fulfilling government obligations without incurring staggering debts; then run around telling everyone how government doesn't work and we need to kill it before the debts become too much to bear. Fucking hell, they make me sick.
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 7:53 PM
Walton, miniaturisation, just to name one outcome, was not of insignificance.
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 23, 2010 8:04 PM
Well, according to British colonial practices, we (Americans) now own the moon. You're just jealous ;P
Posted by: iambilly
March 23, 2010 8:10 PM
John Morales: Thanks, but you forgot some parenthese -- I am (((Billy))) The Atheist (the only reason I go by iambilly here is because of Wordpress passwords).
Walton: Communications satellites, miniaturization, computer technology, communications technology -- Fox News couldn't beam necon propaganda around the world without some of the advances financed by NASA and created through public/private partnerships.
Pygmy Loris: And it ain't a new strategy -- during the civil rights era, local law enforcement officers and politicians claimed that civil rights marches would lead to bloodshed and then went out and created the bloodshed which they then pointed to as proof that the civil rights movement was evil.
I don't like paying taxes. However, with an effective federal tax rate for 2009 of 4.8%, I feel grossly undertaxed considering the (reduced because of GOP mismanagement) services I receive. Even if I include local, state and property taxes, my effective tax rate is only about 11%. No way in hell can we keep this country afloat (including private industry) without an effective infrastructure and the only way we can do that is by actually, you know, paying for it?
Posted by: Feynmaniac
March 23, 2010 8:19 PM
NASA Spinoffs - Apollo InventionsPosted by: KOPD
March 23, 2010 8:26 PM
It sounds like you're a social liberal and fiscal conservative. Certainly not unheard of.
Posted by: Josh, Official SpokesGay
March 23, 2010 8:30 PM
@Jadehawk, #46
OMG. Fuckgnome. It's too, too perfect. I now annoint you the next member of GLOP - Gorgeous Ladies of Pharyngula*, an exclusive club occupied only by Lynna, Janine, and Carlie.**
*Campy original reference found here.
** Attention Caine, Ol'Greg, Bride of Shrek and mah Auntie Ron (Sullivan) - I am accepting new GLOP applications and you're on the short list.
Posted by: iambilly
March 23, 2010 8:31 PM
John Morales and Feynmaniac: Something that the nattering nabobs of neoconservatism fail to understand is the way that these public/private partnerships, partnerships between federal agencies and private companies for the development of new technologies, create jobs, create wealth, and create a larger GNP (which of course, creates a larger tax base which could (prior to our 30-year experiment in fantasy economics) reinvested in new programs to develop even more new technologies). This computer on which I am typing is a descendent of federal partnership (whatever the earlier incarnation of Lincoln Labs was) to create computers (back in the days when 'debugging' meant removing the dead moths from where ever they were when they electricuted themselves)for artillery tables.
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 23, 2010 8:32 PM
aratina cage:
Depends on the rich person, IMHO: I say there are some who should be allowed to keep their pants at all costs, though we could tax everything else off 'em! ;^)
Posted by:
March 23, 2010 8:33 PM
The title of the video is incorrect.
They are Southern Wright Whales, not "White" whales.
Unless it is some lame joke about Moby Dick.
Posted by: iambilly
March 23, 2010 8:40 PM
I thought that 'Right Whales' were considered the right whales to hunt as they floated when dead (Trying to keep a dead whale from sinking using muscle power and animal-bladder floats can be very damaging to equipment, whaleboats and ropes. Oh. And it can create a rather high rate of turnover.) They also swam close to shore which, in the days of sailing, was a definite plus.
Posted by: Ol'Greg
March 23, 2010 8:43 PM
I'm for taxing the pants off of the rich.
But only the pants. I envision a ruling class of pantsless elites.
Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM
March 23, 2010 8:50 PM
No, I'm not up to writing an essay comparing the American economy of 1960 to that of 2010. Suffice to say the median income of company CEOs in 1960 was only 12 times that of hourly paid workers whereas now it's 120 times greater.
Posted by: Ol'Greg
March 23, 2010 8:51 PM
Walton you're like meeeee! Oh huggles :D
You're gonna love it. You're too hot or too cold in any room you enter.
Although honestly I consider myself a fiscal moderate. Then again consider that where I live fiscal conservative very nearly means somewhere from neocon to far right libertarian.
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 8:53 PM
Josh @109, must be because you're gay that you forgot to mention the pulchritudinous Patricia.
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 23, 2010 8:58 PM
Here in the states you're a liberal.
Well, yeah ;P
Posted by: Ichthyic
March 23, 2010 9:00 PM
I'd probably be considered a
flaming liberaltarget in many parts of the US.*sigh*
I do wish that were just an overactive imagination.
again, yet another reason i left the states.
people laugh at folks who try to claim religious preference here, especially if they are also politicians.
Posted by: iambilly
March 23, 2010 9:00 PM
'Tis Himself: Near as I can remember, up until the late 1970s, there was an unwritten compact between labour and management -- whenever better technology created higher productivity, the increased income was split among investors, labour and management. Since the advent of neoconservatism, labour has been left out of the equation.
The worship of the almighty stock price has created a dissincentive to any business which decides to treat their workers well. The CEO of Costco provides above-average wages and benefits and it kills the company's stock price.
How the hell did we end up with a system that disincetivises treating your workers well?
With that, I'm off to bed. Reading a new history of the crusades. Excellent. Deals with the economics, theology, and politics equally well.
Posted by: aratina cage
March 23, 2010 9:00 PM
Bill Dauphin #111
On second thought, I agree with you. (A certain "RL" comes to mind.) ;>
Posted by: David Marjanović
March 23, 2010 9:00 PM
Not daring to use, I found...
"An term used in extreme annoyance and fury to an individual exhibiting the characteristics of an obnoxious asshole, while being extremely unattractive, almost troll-like. A term first used in the early 60's to exemplify individuals who engaged in unprotected sex with many partners while being unable to afford devices for hair-removal. Over the years the term has varied in accordance with each generat[i]onal use. From the late 70's to the mid 90's the term was once again changed to describe an extremely unattractive male actor in pornography, coined by comedian Pablo Garcia in his usual stand-up routine."
So... it's a bit like "mendacious intellectual pornography", only it's not such a... random assortment of ejumacated words :-)
Plus, it's the perfect response to his self-description as attractive. X-)
In my defense, I was writing comment 22 while the new subthread was being created. When I clicked on "submit", I got the usual "comment submission failed – comments are not allowed on this entry" message.
The last two sentences are the best!
Just annoying that I get the "an error has occurred" error from the YouTube video.
From the text:
A pig walks around the corner and is gone.
It has been, several times, years ago :-)
For the maximum awesomeness experience, read the beginning of Ecclesiastes.
...I'm feeling... woozy all of a sudden.
You hit it perfectly.
See elephants for a remarkable case of convergence.
It will, even if only because the next bubble will come.
Fucking fantastic.
From there:
WTF. Seriously!?!
I like drinking small amounts of seawater. Tastes good :-)
<fist up>
Friendship! ;-)
I don't think it's that bad. Education has a major impact. If you don't know that democracy has ever been tried, you're hardly going to organize a revolution to install democracy...
I think that genie is pretty much out of the bottle.
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 9:05 PM
i suspect you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I shall have to ponder this some more and then try to explain it better. Because I certainly wasn't talking about the end of democracy.Posted by: Ol'Greg
March 23, 2010 9:06 PM
Don't worry Ichthyic, he's English. English people are treated like gold here although everyone is basically afraid of them... and they're always socialists.
Posted by: Josh, Official SpokesGay
March 23, 2010 9:06 PM
@John Morales, #117:
God damnit. You're right. Patricia is, in fact, one of the founding signatories of GLOP. Must be my stressful day.
I don't know if I want to smack you for your impudence, or thank you for saving me from a far worse (better?) fate on Patricia's spanking couch.
Posted by: David Marjanović
March 23, 2010 9:15 PM
Posted by: David Marjanović
March 23, 2010 9:20 PM
I just got carried away and talked about the next step. Through things like unlimited wiretapping and lack of a sufficiently rigorous constitution, personal liberties can go away while a democracy is still there, but I don't think that's a stable state for a political system – when the mighty cut freedoms, they make themselves more powerful.
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 9:39 PM
well, that still wasn't quite what I meant. I see I'm really going to have to think about this and try writing it down more coherently.Posted by: Patricia, Ignorant Slut OM
March 23, 2010 9:46 PM
OK - Brass bosoms back on deck... the kite flying was...extended a day or two. ;)
Posted by: Sven DiMilo
March 23, 2010 9:47 PM
I'm pretty drunk.
Southampton Biere de Mars or Marz ? (my spelling in French is pretty bad); very delicious; and then maybe a Stout or 2? Keegan Mother's Milk, as I recall...
here's a tune:
Posted by: Jadehawk OM, Hardcore Left-Winger
March 23, 2010 9:51 PM
slutPosted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 9:52 PM
Posted by: Sven DiMilo
March 23, 2010 9:55 PM
*eyebrows UP*
but only because I seldom get...extended any more.
Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM
March 23, 2010 9:55 PM
Is that a spring in Patricia's post, and a sparkle in the wording?
Posted by: Sven DiMilo
March 23, 2010 9:59 PM
OK slightly mellower
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 9:59 PM
You're pretty drunk, allright.
Posted by: Patricia, Ignorant Slut OM
March 23, 2010 9:59 PM
Josh - Bride of Shrek was the original Queen of Sluts, just because you missed some of her best shashays, doesn't mean she didn't lead the way.
For your impudence, I cut your bar tab by half, and hang up your paddle until Thursday. Out of line at the spanking couch my lad. --->!
Posted by: Patricia, Ignorant Slut OM
March 23, 2010 10:03 PM
slut - don't it make your brown eyes blue?
Posted by: Sven DiMilo
March 23, 2010 10:04 PM
one of these days its the Art Ensemble of Chicago and yer all fucked
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 23, 2010 10:04 PM
Woohoo :)
Posted by: Sven DiMilo
March 23, 2010 10:06 PM
but in the meantime another one from Cros
Posted by: David Marjanović
March 23, 2010 10:06 PM
Looking forward to it.
Congratulations, Patricia!
Posted by: Sven DiMilo
March 23, 2010 10:11 PM
Have you seen the stars tonight?
Posted by: Josh, Official SpokesGay
March 23, 2010 10:12 PM
@Patrici, #137:
Umm. .but. . is there any chance I can shorten my dry spell and take it out in trade? If I promise to polish your Brass Breast Plate with a gentle cleansing powder such as Bon Ami? Remember, it hasn't scratched yet™.
Posted by: Josh, Official SpokesGay
March 23, 2010 10:20 PM
She may have been the original QOS, but it was Lynna' who originally entered the room breastally.
This was the mams-forward move that launched a thousand odes to the breasteses(and from a fag - who'd a thunk?).
Posted by: Josh, Official SpokesGay
March 23, 2010 10:22 PM
BTW Patricia:
Glad to hear you're still . .ahem. . flying kites with that gentleman. I hope it's as sweet as it sounds:)
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 10:29 PM
Josh @145, you've just redeemed yourself.
Posted by: KOPD
March 23, 2010 10:30 PM
Yes, fiscal moderate. That's what happens when I open my mouth. I say something inaccurate right about the time that people who know what they're saying chime in. You'd think I'd know better by now.
Posted by: Epikt
March 23, 2010 10:33 PM
It keeps me employed.
Posted by: windy
March 23, 2010 10:34 PM
Would that be like the ancient Greeks or Romans, or more like "the Emperor's new pants?"
Posted by: Epikt
March 23, 2010 10:34 PM
Sven DiMilo:
Keep your hands where I can see them. I have some Cecil Taylor, and I'm not afraid to use it.
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 10:36 PM
I'm reminded Walton defended not banning fox-hunting on a very similar basis. :)
Posted by: Ichthyic
March 23, 2010 10:47 PM
speaking of recipes...
several asked me to put up a placeholder so we could start putting them all in one spot online, so I did:
the domain (guess which!) only costs me 10 a year, and it's paid for up through the next year, so have at.
send me an email to [email protected] if you want to be able to add recipes directly, and i'll shoot you a login.
I suppose later we could get all fancy and just have a form to use for anyone to upload a recipe.
I just don't have the time to set that up right now, so it's easier if folks just login and add what they want to directly.
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 10:51 PM
David Marjanović just posted a response referring Asimov's The Relativity of Wrong to a woomeister-godbot, and this impels me to riffing by crossthredulation.
If only Asimov were commenting here.
Wouldn't that be nice?
Posted by: Ol'Greg
March 23, 2010 10:54 PM
Posted by: Feynmaniac
March 23, 2010 11:38 PM
Sounds like a Monty Python skit.
Posted by: John Morales
March 23, 2010 11:48 PM
Shoulda linked: Wouldn't it be nice.
Posted by: Epikt
March 24, 2010 12:04 AM
I *must* find out where Ornette got that jacket.
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 24, 2010 12:04 AM
I have a question for all of you with real world experience. I'm filling out an application for a position with an insurance company. I've been told by someone who works there that the starting salary is in the 30,000/yr range, but they may be wrong. On the application form they ask what my desired salary is. What do I write down?
Posted by: ambulocetacean
March 24, 2010 12:09 AM
Bill Dauphin (end of last endless thread),
Yes, unlucky that the portcullis came down on you. PZ can be a harsh mohel.
Um... with your daughter's friends who were pretending to be bi, am I right in assuming that they were all girls? I imagine that the trendiness of female bi-ness comes directly from the male fascination with "lesbian" porn. I can't imagine that too many straight boys would go around pretending to be bi.
Re the ambulocetacean moniker: Eh, it's a bit annoying. I started calling myself ambulocetus when I was arguing on Australian Christian blogs so that any creotard who could be bothered googling the word would get even more annoyed with me. When I came to register here ambulocetus was already taken, so I went with the even longer and more annoying ambulocetacean.
I should really consolidate my online identities. At some stage I'll go back to calling myself Perentie, which is what I went by when I used to get my jollies writing juvenile stuff like Mother Teresa appears in KY handprint.
Posted by: Patricia, Ignorant Slut OM
March 24, 2010 12:16 AM
Hey, hey - I was no naughtier than any of you imagined. *snort*
Posted by: pcarini
March 24, 2010 12:20 AM
Ichthyic @ 153
Who's going to do the grunt work of gathering all the recipes MAJeff's recipes he posted? Do straws need to be drawn?
(Great idea, though!)
Posted by: Patricia, Ignorant Slut OM
March 24, 2010 12:23 AM
Josh - No, you may not. Bon Ami *snort* true Super Sluts only use Brasso.
Posted by: pcarini
March 24, 2010 12:23 AM
@my 162:
Better yet, who's going to do the grunt-work of reading my posts before I click submit?
*I also see that the commenting system now disallows multiple posts in a short time-frame...
Posted by: Patricia, Ignorant Slut OM
March 24, 2010 12:27 AM
Perhaps Father Tis Himself will chime in and let us know if a gentleman showing up to veiw and measure a ladies board pile counts as a fourth date?
I gotta get to that magic number six ...
Posted by: pcarini
March 24, 2010 12:32 AM
I'd hate to speak out of turn, but I was taught that a gentleman never takes measurements on the first date.
Posted by: jenbphillips
March 24, 2010 12:54 AM
Whaaa??? Mammalianism is a liberal trait now? I want in! What do I have to do? Other than be a saucy minx, I mean. Spanking couch? Pffft. Have I mentioned that i have a 10' leather bullwhip hanging from my office door?Patricia honey, you fly that kite for all it's worth!
Pygmy Loris @ 159--try here for a ballpark figure--adjust your desired salary based on your experience, or however ballsy you feel.
Sven, if you haven't passed out yet, cheers :)
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 24, 2010 12:58 AM
Thanks! I just bookmarked that website. I never know what to ask for salary.
Posted by: Patricia, Ignorant Slut OM
March 24, 2010 1:06 AM
pcarini - We're going for the fourth date here...the gentleman is coming to check out my board pile.
Tis said no sex until the sixth date. This board pile thing could be some manly rite that us gurrrrls just don't get...
(imagine if I didn't Have any boards)
Posted by: pcarini
March 24, 2010 1:31 AM
As they say, if the board pile doesn't stack up...
Seriously, though, us guys are truly, profoundly lazy creatures. If he can be arsed to come over and measure boards I'd call that something, at least.
Unless you offered him beer to come check them out, in which case I'd say you can definitely call it a date ;)
Posted by: Ichthyic
March 24, 2010 2:06 AM
Who's going to do the grunt work of gathering all the recipes MAJeff's recipes he posted? Do straws need to be drawn?
the other jeff has been doing that, actually.
I set this up to make it easier, so someone wouldn't have to KEEP doing that.
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 3:02 AM
Why thank you, Darling. If it were me, I'd add Patricia, Jadehawk, A. Noyd, Pygmy Loris, Carlie and Jen to the list. That's jus' me though. ;) Here's my app: Oh, for Fuck's sake, another thread about Walton's politics. Now, where are my clothes...
Ooooh, you must part with some small details here, M'lady. Were your socks knocked off? Or perhaps gone a bit askew?
You're a doll! Thank you.
Posted by: negentropyeater
March 24, 2010 3:32 AM
You can keep hoping. Which bubble will that be ? For the next bubble to grow you need to show that total credit money (public+private debt) can continue growing at a much faster rate than the economy, as it's done for the last thirty years but has reached an inflexion point last year. There's no evidence that it can, Minsky has theoretically shown why and what happens when we pass the inflexion point.
I recommend you read the economist Steve Keene's excellent blog Debt Watch if you are interested in following this including its more theoretical underpinnings.
The irresponsible era of building illusory prosperity based on debt ignoring the constraints on the availability of critical resources has come to an end. The only thing politicians and the elites can try to do is postpone/slow down the slide, kick the can as far down the road and avoid that it explodes while they're still around.
Posted by: negentropyeater
March 24, 2010 3:47 AM
Pygmy Loris #159,
you can check this list to get some ideas:
Posted by: Ichthyic
March 24, 2010 4:03 AM
The irresponsible era of building illusory prosperity based on debt ignoring the constraints on the availability of critical resources has come to an end.
say it ain't so!
can't we have just one more little bubble, pretty please, so I can SELL MY DAMN HOUSE!
Posted by: Ichthyic
March 24, 2010 4:08 AM
look at the graphs on this page:
Jan 07:
I start planning my evacuation to Kiwiland, thinking my house is worth 350k.
dec 08: I finally complete my plans to get there, only to find my house is now worth...
Brother moves into house, promises to sell it for me when the market comes back up...
current market value...
Posted by: Ichthyic
March 24, 2010 4:10 AM
oh, sorry, reverse those last two numbers:
house value:
Posted by: Usagichan
March 24, 2010 4:21 AM
I always think of the quote (by Laurence Peter - just looked it up to make sure I got it right) that "An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today. "
When the next bubble happens, we will simply hear what initial assumption was incorrect (and you will be able to sell your house). Of course they might be right on this one (make enough predictions and you'll get some right in the end).
Posted by: maureen.brian#b5c92
March 24, 2010 4:35 AM
Not directly relevant to bubbles and house prices but Amartya Sen today is good, very good.
Posted by: John Morales
March 24, 2010 4:45 AM
Re bubbles (and more): I recommend this public-domain book.
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay.
Posted by: iambilly
March 24, 2010 6:48 AM
re: the pantsless elite:
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 7:04 AM
iambilly, I don't know about that, I'm rather fussy about who I like to see in a kilt. ;)
Posted by: Carlie
March 24, 2010 7:41 AM
I go to bed early for once and miss all the fun!
I greatly appreciate being included in GLOP. I don't have any brass bosoms around, but I bet I can fashion some out of aluminum foil and duct tape.
Also very happy for Patricia! I hope things keep going well and make you happy. :)
Very excited about the recipe site. Thanks, Ichthyic!
Posted by: Carlie
March 24, 2010 7:46 AM
Hamana - hamana - hamana
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 7:49 AM
Carlie, just so. :D
Posted by: iambilly
March 24, 2010 7:55 AM
Caine: I would much rather see them in a kilt than just plain pantsless.
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 8:05 AM
iambilly, you could just go back to old school depression-wear, stick a barrel over 'em.
Posted by: iambilly
March 24, 2010 8:16 AM
Caine, or we could tar and feather these malefactors of great wealth.
I just pictured Dick Cheney in a chicken suit.
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 8:21 AM
Urmmph. I better go get more tea. And some brain bleach.
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 8:28 AM
Things I loathe this morning: spammers and annoying clients.
Things I love this morning: tea, cinnamon altoids and endless threads.
*Grumble* this whole day thing sucks *Grumble*
Posted by: iambilly
March 24, 2010 8:32 AM
Caine: I know the feeling. I know have
threefour things on my todo list which are 'top priority.' All of which are graphics intensive. All of which take lots of time (no oregano, though). Cherry Coke and Goldfish pretzel crackers are my carbofriends.Posted by: Janine, Mistress Of Foul Mouth Abuse, OM
March 24, 2010 9:49 AM
I just pictured Dick Cheney in a chicken suit.
Is he going to be part of a staged hunt?
Posted by: iambilly
March 24, 2010 9:59 AM
Read that as "Is he going to be part of a stag hunt?" before cleaning my glasses. Brought up an interesting image.
Quick vote: which is worse -- Cheney in a chicken suit or Cheney in a kilt?
Posted by: Sili
March 24, 2010 10:08 AM
I knew there was a reason I could see the point in keeping whales around."I never drink water. Fish fuck in it."
Walton will be pleased to learn that my "Dagens I-lands Problem" has been solved by capitalism. I found some cheap(ish) knock-off ink-cartridges for my printer. (And for some reason they managed to send an original along instead of one of the copies. I guess I should be honest and pay them the difference, since I'm now opened in the packet ...)
In other stupid news, I thought I had an appointment with the GP tomorrow. Turned out to be today ... That's the second time I make that mistake. ARRGHH!
Posted by: iambilly
March 24, 2010 10:13 AM
In other stupid news, I thought I had an appointment with the GP tomorrow. Turned out to be today ... That's the second time I make that mistake. ARRGHH!
They say that as you get older, your memory is the second thing to go. Don't remember what the first thing is supposed to be.
(I know, old joke. But I'm old (well, older than some of the whippersnappers who keep commenting here (and flaunting their minimal age most egregiously)) and, well, it goes with the territory (old being over 40 (which my daughter says is ancient (but what does she know? she thinks Twilight (movie or book) is good)))).
Posted by: iambilly
March 24, 2010 10:17 AM
Speaking of the mind going, blockquote fail in 195.
Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp
March 24, 2010 10:19 AM
At least it wasn't two wet suits
Posted by: Janine, Mistress Of Foul Mouth Abuse, OM
March 24, 2010 10:22 AM
Constance McMillens' rights were violated. But the school can still cancel prom anyways. Great news for LGBT teens in school. But it seems that homophobic school officials have an out, turn proms into "private" off campus events,
Posted by: Janine, Mistress Of Foul Mouth Abuse, OM
March 24, 2010 10:39 AM
Yeah, an other link to Pam's House Blend. Scott Brown pulls out the Maddow Card. If you watch the video, pay attention to the crawlers. Maddow owns a huge dog and claims to be "Gay". Maddow Concedes That Scott Brown Is More Pretty Than She Is.
Fear of a lesbian news host! I love it so!
Posted by: Paul
March 24, 2010 10:46 AM
Is there any way to get Kwok the help he very much needs? I mean, it's painful to watch.
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 24, 2010 11:05 AM
Another view of #hcr: It's a blow against economic inequality. The money quote:
Ambulocetacean (@160):
You would think that, wouldn't you? But no, IIRC, it was about evenly split.
I bow to no man in my appreciation of the fact that, as Jeff Murdock would put it, "lesbians are porn-efficient," but I don't think that's what was going on here. It was actually the gay boys who were the apex of cool in my daughter's circles, and I don't think the impulse to claim a share of the gay glory by calling oneself bi was motivated by any het-boy girl-girl fantasies. I wasn't there, of course, but if it'd been a matter of other girls pretending to be into girls for the sake of turning on the boys, I think my daughter would've mentioned that (perhaps more than a little bit bitterly <g>).
I know what you mean, though: In my experience, straight males have an asymmetrical reaction to bisexuality. Bisexual women are (from this perspective) both normal (because they sleep with men, which means they might sleep with us) and hot (because of all the porn-efficient girl-on-girl action); bisexual men, OTOH, are icky (because of, you know, teh buttseks¹), and no amount of sleeping with women can wash away the stain.
But my point was that that's how the philistines of my generation see it, and my daughter's experience gives me some hope that that sort of male-centric heteronormative POV is fading away... and relatively quickly, at that.
Either way, though, that's all primarily about one's sexual feelings. The thing I found interesting about the byplay between Josh and Caine (et al.) is that it was as much (if not more) about politics as about sexuality: As a sad consequence of the legacy of discrimination, being gay is not only a sexual identity but also a political platform, and I can understand how the mere existence of bisexuality can de-clarify the politics of gayness. Especially for people who've staked their gay rights arguments heavily on the it's not a choice position2, it's easy to see how the existence of people whose whole sexual identity is based on the fact that they do choose between same-sex and opposite-sex relationships complicates things.
I've never been either gay or bi, but I have been in a position where my nominal political allies believed (or behaved) in ways that complicated my political goals... and I can empathize with the cognitive dissonance that arises from simultaneously having sympathy for "fellow travelers" and being frustrated at the political effects of their positions.
Of course, the ideal answer to all of this is to craft a society that's sufficiently just and fair that nobody's personal sexuality ever needs to be political at all. My daughter's HS experience gives me some hope that we're headed in that direction.
Patricia (@various):
FFS, stop counting dates and enjoy yourself! It is, as the song says, later than you think.
¹ Yes, I know not all gay (or, by extension, bi) men have anal sex... but remember, I'm attempting to describe a stereotype here, not a rational, fact-centered POV.
2 I do not mean to restart that whole discussion, nor am I attributing that argument to any actual person in this thread.
Posted by: Paul
March 24, 2010 11:09 AM
If you want to be depressed, the Biocentrism guy has another post up about Huffpo titled Do You Only Live Once? Experiments Suggest Life Not One-Time Deal. It's really sad, how he has to resort to quantum woo about there being an infinite number of universes/possibilities to cope with his dead sister. I guess this is religion for people too smart to believe in the bearded dude in the clouds. Wouldn't be surprised if more people start going down that path.
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 11:10 AM
I suggest not watching.
Posted by: Sven DiMilo
March 24, 2010 11:10 AM
oo, ouch...that might be worse than "poopyhead"
Posted by: Paul
March 24, 2010 11:17 AM
It's like a car accident...can't look away...
Posted by: Ol'Greg
March 24, 2010 11:26 AM
But they still don't *choose* their sexual identity.
I never sat down and said to myself, I think I'll relate to people this way. Hell, I thought I was normal.
Posted by: Sven DiMilo
March 24, 2010 11:31 AM
Like a car accident, it's best to look, maybe comment, but just don't participate.
Trust me.
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 11:37 AM
Ol'Greg, that's not what Bill meant. Bill was referring to what I said in the previous incarnation. In my experience, at least, one of the reasons people in the gay community have problems with bisexuals is that on a political level, they are seen as people who can make a sexual choice.
Idiots who oppose gay rights can fasten on to that as "evidence" that being gay is a choice. It's not and as I pointed out earlier, neither is being bisexual. However, bisexuality tends to make the politics more complex.
On top of that, bisexuals are also often viewed as someone who can consciously choose a hetero relationship, thereby bypassing the difficulties and obstacles faced by others.
Posted by: Paul
March 24, 2010 11:38 AM
Posted by: Ol'Greg
March 24, 2010 11:55 AM
Oh, I get it Caine. Wouldn't be the first time I misinterpreted BD. He's probably getting used to it now :P
Posted by: Sili
March 24, 2010 11:55 AM
J'adore la Maddow.
Posted by: Carlie
March 24, 2010 12:08 PM
It's ok, Paul. We understand.
You could try Stealth Kiwi, an update of Kiwi Cloak, which itself was an update of Invisibility Cloak.
Posted by: Opus
March 24, 2010 12:12 PM
A couple of notes re the US tax system:
- The US no longer has a progressive tax system. Take a look here to see how the top taxpayers fared from 1992 to 2005. By 2007 the top 400 paid 16.6% of their adjusted gross in federal taxes. I paid a larger percentage this year (yes, it was a very good year, one which will never recur.) If the truth were known the percentage of actual income paid as taxes is probably close to a standard bell curve.
- One advantage that the ultra-rich have is they have the ability to hide income. For me, like most of us, every penny I made was reported to the IRS by the payer. I have zero ability to hide income. For a great exposition of how this works for the ultra-rich see David Johnston's book "Perfectly Legal." Somewhere along the line I've read that only 50% of the legal income in the US is reported on IRS tax forms. The rest of it is invisible to the tax system.
Posted by: Pygmy Loris
March 24, 2010 12:40 PM
I, too, have read Perfectly Legal. Before I read it, I knew our tax system was screwed up, but afterwords I was in a mindless rage over how the rich get out of paying taxes while the wage slaves have very few options. Everything in that book in emblematic of why our country is falling apart. Grrr.
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 24, 2010 12:51 PM
Right, that's exactly what I was getting at. I'm relieved that you understood, and are not (apparently) offended that I said it. And thanks for helping square me with Ol' Greg: No doubt you explained me to her better than I could've myself.
Actually, I suspect sexual identity is both more fluid and less volitional than the politics can really encompass, given how inhospitable to nuance political discussion generally is. Take, for instance, the one "out" lesbian I know well:
My wife and I first met this woman more than 20 years ago, when she was a fellow English teacher with us in Korea. At that time she was already in her mid 30s, and AFAIK had never had a serious relationship with anyone of any gender... and she was seriously boy-crazy. I know that sounds like a funny term to apply to an adult woman (as opposed to, say, an adolescent girl), but it's the best description I can come up with. She was a tough romantic "sell," though: Not pretty in any widely recognized sense, smarter than almost everyone else, and possessing a fairly aggressive personality expressed through a painfully biting wit. In all, a fairly intimidating, challenging package, and while we were together in Korea, she never had any success in attracting a man. But she never stopped trying.
At the end of our contract in Korea, we left and she stayed on, but we kept in touch. Several years later, just after she returned to the U.S., she wrote to tell us that she'd fallen in love... with a woman. She and her partner have been together as a couple now for roughly 20 years, and are deeply involved in the lesbian community where they live. From the moment she met her partner, our friend has identified as a lesbian, and as nothing else.
The thing is, based on knowing her before the fact, I've always believed that what she really was was incredibly thirsty for love, and that she was ready to fall in love with anyone who would love her back. I could be wrong, of course — who among us ever knows what's really in someone else's heart? — but I suspect she could just as easily have found a male soulmate, if the Brownian motion of her life had been a bit different.
If I'm right about that, what is she? A lesbian, as she sees herself? Or a bisexual woman who happens to be monogamous with a female partner? Quantum indeterminacy seems to be my go-to metaphor, but it seems to me possible that her sexuality existed as a fog of probabilities, and was only really determined when she finally met her lover.
The ideal, utopian answer is, of course, who cares? She is who and what she is; she loves who she loves; she's happy; we don't need no stinking badges, right? But as long as people's sexuality is a political question... a matter of social policy... we're somewhat forced to counterfeit the continuum of reality by forcing it into a finite number of labeled boxes.
'Tis a puzzlement, eh?
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 1:01 PM
Bill, no worries. I had actually pointed out the bisexuality/political situation earlier in the previous thread, in response to Rorschach.
As for your friend, she might very well fit into the current definition of pansexual, which defines itself as gender blind, with a focus on romantic love. I expect she's the only one who knows how fluid her orientation is; there are other reasons she may have not expressed her preference during her time in Korea. She may not have realized her orientation at that time, either. Some people don't come to it until later in life for a variety of reasons.
Posted by: Alan B
March 24, 2010 1:12 PM
I got to thinking about whales and their reproductive and excretory habits. My first thought was, "Who cares, it just gets diluted by a huge amount." I then thought, "Maybe it gets so diluted that there's hardly anything there. Maybe not a single molecule in some samples."
And then I realised. Dilution to nothingness. All that percussive thundering of surf on rocks. The effect will be magnified so much that we will all be affected! The entire human race is being treated with ultra-potent whale semen and whale poo!!
Who will save us? Quackalicious, we need you after all!!
"What can we do to be saved, O Wise One?"
And then I woke up.
Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 24, 2010 1:16 PM
Ol' Greg (@206):
I know. As I said (@215) to Caine, she's probably already done a better job of 'splaining my position to you than I could have myself.
But so what if we did choose our sexual identities? The only reason the choice-versus-nature question even matters is that we, as a society, continue to demonize sexuality. If we saw all sexual identities as equally OK — as we would in any rational, non-demon-haunted world — it wouldn't make any difference whether sexual identity was chosen or indwelling.
IMHO, the fundamental argument for the social equality of all sexual identities should be based on the principle that sexual desire is personal, and that there's no compelling public interest in discriminating between private sexual feelings, nor in regulating private adult sexual behavior (as long as it's truly consensual, of course). Regardless of the truth of the matter, basing the political argument on it's not a choice risks being mischaracterized as equating non-mainstream sexualities with disability — "Don't discriminate against my disability, because I can't help it!" — and even successfully winning rights on such a basis fails to advance the ultimate cause (well, at least my ultimate cause; YMMV) of building a society in which sex is OK!
Posted by:
March 24, 2010 1:23 PM
So, is this yet another "random biological ejaculation"?
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 1:25 PM
Which is where religion looms over all. It's religion which is ultimately hung up on sex, in one way or another; religions want to control sexuality, and you can't do that if people aren't listening to the rulez. People who don't really care about the religious aspect but have a personal "oh, that's not right!" reaction shelter under it to condemn any orientation they don't like.
Posted by: Becca
March 24, 2010 1:29 PM
ok, so how do you guys keep up with this site? I've currently got 10 tabs open to Pharyngula threads as it is - I barely caught up when PZed was in Australia. Good thing I don't have a job! (other than kid chauffeur, that is)
Kid #2 is dissecting a sheep heart in her human biology class today - They look at human cadavers next week. And this in a junior college! Is that cool or what?
Posted by: Sili
March 24, 2010 1:31 PM
Certainly didn't look random to me.Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM
March 24, 2010 1:35 PM
Caine (@220):
You and I are of one mind on this point!
Posted by: Celtic_Evolution
March 24, 2010 1:36 PM
Kilt, obviously. At least in a chicken suit he'd look like... well... a chicken. In the kilt he'd just look like a creepy, evil old man in a skirt.
But hey, thanks for the imagery... I will now go light my eyes on fire.
Posted by: iambilly
March 24, 2010 1:42 PM
Keltic Evolution -- I thought it was goats on fire?
Bill: building a society in which sex is OK!
[snark]This goes against everything for which the Christian Right stands. Why do you persecute them so?[/snark]
Posted by:
March 24, 2010 1:55 PM
Party people, just for effluvients and chuckles, count the what-the-funnelcakes in this nugget from our old friend Kwok:
Posted by: MrFire
March 24, 2010 1:56 PM
Neither. I'd rather see him wearing this.
Posted by: iambilly
March 24, 2010 1:59 PM
MrFire: I bow to you. You are good.
Posted by: Caine, Fleur du mal
March 24, 2010 2:07 PM
MrFire, very nice. Personally, I'd rather see Cheney in one of these.
Posted by: ambulocetacean
March 24, 2010 2:12 PM
Bill D, Boys pretending to be bi, eh? Wonders will never cease.
Posted by: Celtic_Evolution
March 24, 2010 2:14 PM
Mr. Fire #227
Ok... but only if he were also wearing these.