The Primate Diaries
Perspectives on science, politics and history from a primate in the human zoo.
Eric Michael Johnson has a Bachelors degree in Anthropology and a Masters in Evolutionary Anthropology. He pursued his PhD in Evolutionary Anthropology at Duke before joining the University of British Columbia to complete a doctorate in the History and Philosophy of Science.

Banner art is by Jeff Hebert.
See his portfolio at HeroMachine.
Recent Posts
- The Primate Diaries Was Selected for The Open Laboratory
- Deconstructing Social Darwinism, Part III
- Christianity and the Death Penalty
- Bonobos and the Emergence of Culture
- Darwiniana: Notes on Evolutionary History
- Deconstructing Social Darwinism, Part II
- Vote Now! Neurophilosophy is Nominated for a Shorty
- A Gentle Reminder to Republicans
- Deconstructing Social Darwinism - Part I
- The Great Patriotic War in Sand and Sorrow
Recent Comments
- Omaha Steaks on The Giant's Shoulders #14
- Blackbird on The Primate Diaries Was Selected for The Open Laboratory
- dave souza on Deconstructing Social Darwinism - Part I
- ADB on Deconstructing Social Darwinism, Part III
- JL on Deconstructing Social Darwinism, Part III
- Christopher Dennis on Deconstructing Social Darwinism, Part III
- Christopher Dennis on Deconstructing Social Darwinism, Part II
- Michael Gersh on Bonobos and the Emergence of Culture
- mike on Bonobos and the Emergence of Culture
- dsi r4 on Deconstructing Social Darwinism - Part I

Survival of the Kindest
Sept. 24, 2009
The Open Laboratory 2007:
Best Science Writing on Blogs
The Sacrifice of Admetus
The Laughter Circuit
Vol. 23 No. 5 (May 2002)
Wildlife Conservation
Behind Enemy Lines
(November/December 2005)

Journal of Human Evolution
Sociality, ecology and relative brain size in lemurs.
JHE 2009 56(5):471-478.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Career or Family?: Maternal style and status-seeking behavior in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus).
AJPA 2008 135(S46):126
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Lack of inbreeding avoidance and reduction of alliance formation in matrilineally- housed bonobos (Pan paniscus).
AJPA 2007 132(S44):137
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