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David Dobbs on science, nature, and culture.



dobbspic I write on science, medicine, nature, culture and other matters for the New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic, Slate, National Geographic, Scientific American Mind, and other publications. (Find clips here.) Right now I'm writing my fourth book, The Orchid and the Dandelion, which explores the hypothesis that the genetic roots some of our worst problems and traits — depresison, hyperaggression, violence, antisocial behavior — can also give rise to resilience, cooperation, empathy, and contentment. The book expands on my December 2009 Atlantic article exploring these ideas. I've also written three books, including Reef Madness: Charles Darwin, Alexander Agassiz, and the Meaning of Coral, which traces the strangest but most forgotten controversy in Darwin's career — an elemental dispute running some 75 years.

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Morning dip: Obama on fascistic healthcare, Razib on religion, & other notables

Posted on: September 29, 2009 6:27 AM, by David Dobbs

At Gene Expression, Razib casts a skeptical eye on a study of the neuroanatomical variability of religiosity.

The brain areas identified in this and the parallel fMRI studies are not unique to processing religion [the study states], but play major roles in social cognition. This implies that religious beliefs and behavior emerged not as sui generis evolutionary adaptations, but as an extension (some would say "by product") of social cognition and behavior.

May be something to that, Razib says -- but it would be nice "get in on the game of normal human variation in religious orientation (as opposed to studies of mystical brain states which seem focused on outliers)."

The Atlantic Wire rounds up reactions to Obama's case for more and longer school days. TAPPED, meanwhile, opines that Obama is winning on education. One reason? States are passing reform tweaks in order to compete in the $4.3 billion "Race to the Top" competition. Money talks.

Dawdy notes a BMJ study linking (again) antidepressants to raised (but still low) rates of birth defects in women taking some antidepressants in the first trimester. An extremely tricky issue. 

The President describes the puzzlement of other world leaders that trying to give everyone healthcare comes off as a fascism. (H/T TPM)

"One of the [G20] leaders, I won't mention who it was, he comes up to me and ... he says, 'Barack, explain to me this health care debate.' He says, 'We don't understand it. You're trying to make sure everyone has health care and they're putting a Hitler moustache on you. That doesn't make sense to me, explain that to me,'" Obama said. "He didn't understand."

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You mean the international community can't understand how so many people in the US are such ignorant racists?

Neither can I.

But they are, they are.

Posted by: Rob Jase | September 29, 2009 8:10 AM


See the CNN news story: 47% will pay no federal income tax!

I am outraged! I had no idea the problem was this bad. These people are nothing but filthy beggars!!! And, now it’s time to start paying for their health-care. Give me a break. I’d rather be mugged, there’s more dignity in it.

We need a new political party in this country, the two we’ve got are nothing but robbing everyone. The republicans are steeling from the middle class and giving to the rich and the democrats are buying votes with our money by allowing this bunch of freeloaders to get a free ride.

Posted by: Gregg | October 4, 2009 10:39 AM

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