Not Exactly Rocket Science
My small attempt to celebrate science and to make it interesting and fun by giving jargon, confusion and elitism a solid beating with the stick of good writing.
Ed Yong is an award-winning British science writer. Not Exactly Rocket Science is his attempt to make the latest scientific discoveries interesting to everyone. He finds writing about himself in the third person strange and unsettling.
What others are saying...
"One of the best sites for in-depth analysis of interesting scientific papers" - The Times
"A consistently illuminating home for long, thoughtful, and thorough explorations of science news" - National Association of Science Writers
"Ed Yong... is made of pure unobtanium and rides TWO Toruks." - Frank Swain
"Ed Yong is better than chocolate, fairy lights, and kittens chasing yarn. That is all." - Christine Ottery
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Why I blog
An interview with me
The original site • Tell me about you: Part 1 Part 2

This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.
140-character ramblings
My wife, who makes it all possible

Recent Posts
- Research Blog of the Year
- Fast food logos unconsciously trigger fast behaviour
- Richmond park photos
- Requests work better than orders, even when we're asking or ordering ourselves
- Sperm war - the sperm of ants and bees do battle inside the queens
- Attack of the killer tomato fungus driven by mobile weapons package
- Pregnant male pipefish abort babies from unattractive females
- The value of "this is cool" science stories
- Bacteria on your keyboard point to your identity but forensic value is unlikely
- Pocket Science - a psychopath's reward, and the mystery of the shark-bitten fossil poo
Recent Comments
- Anne Jefferson on Research Blog of the Year
- Gammidgy on Research Blog of the Year
- Iñigo on Research Blog of the Year
- Jen on Research Blog of the Year
- che on Research Blog of the Year
- Aatish on Research Blog of the Year
- Jack on Research Blog of the Year
- aratina cage on Research Blog of the Year
- Ken Zelez on Research Blog of the Year
- Cameron on Research Blog of the Year
Science blogs
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- On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess
- Observations of a Nerd
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